Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

The Anguil Emission Concentrator
The Anguil concentrator technology is an energy and cost-saving add-on to thermal and catalytic oxidizers that can reduce the amount of treated airflow by 95%. This greatly reduced flow, which is rich in emissions and much less of an operating cost burden on the destruction device.

How It Works
The concentrator rotor spins continuously at a very slow rate, transporting adsorbed pollutants into a desorption section. In the desorption section, the VOCs are desorbed or released from the adsorptive media with the low-volume heated airstream. This low volume high VOC-laden air is then processed by an oxidizer.

The Anguil Concentrator Advantage
- Largest flow capacity in the industry at over 120,000 SCFM (192,600 Nm3/hr) in a single rotor
- Reduces abatement equipment size by 90-95% of the original volume, providing dramatic capital and operating cost energy savings
- Regulatory Compliance Guaranteed
- Proven system design with numerous installations all over the world
- Engineering experience and flexibility to address a wide range of process conditions and applications
Popular Markets
- Paint & Painted Products
- Automotive
- Semiconductors
- Electronics Manufacturing
- Pharmaceuticals
- Composites & Carbon Fiber